SO why do I ride in the morining----before 7am. Its much safer. Why? little to NO cars.
Aftee 7am the cars get impatient and it gets less enjoyable to ride and more like working to stay alive.
I like to ride the first half of the halo halo ride. some days i do less some days more.
There are about a 5-10 riders i see in the these early hours and I do invite you to use the roads at these times and encourage to use the whole lane.
FOR safety i recommend:
- have good least $100.00 with a battery pack
- at least two rear lights. the super flash by planet bike is bad ass around $27.00
- at yellow vest or yellow or orange clothing. Vest: $7.00 at walmart
- and after a while the cars will get to know you and your route.
So say hey siclista or hi when you see me on hesperian, cherry, paso padre, newark blvd, or coyote hils.