We will decide when we get together if we'll ride up Sierra and down Felter Road-Calaveras-Piedmont back to Sierra to watch Stage 3 of the AToC. Bring your warmers and wind breakers since it's going to be cold.
Plan is to watch the stage near the bottom of Sierra Road, possibly the first or second hump, so we can get down quickly and ride towards downtown San Jose where we will watch the "finishing line". Who's line is that by the way? Was it Phil Ligget or Bobke?
This will be an all day event folks so be ready to stay as late as possible. There's a big possibility that we'll stay until about five in the afternoon, or later which is part of the reason why we'll drive and meet in San Jose. Another option for folks who are on a time leash is to head back straight to the cars and drive home after the second pass of the tour at the corner of Sierra and Piedmont.
Cipo - Bobke - Phil Ligget - Paul Sherwin - Justin Spinelli - Chuck Reed

Chances of heading down Sierra after the peloton passes might not be possible since I am pretty sure the peloton may be broken up with the climb up Mt. Hamilton.
By the time the broom wagon passes by, getting down Sierra to catch the finish may not be doable.
I will be hanging around the 2 miles up Sierra with my blue shade and will be watching the race unfold on Sprint's Broadband using Tour Tracker.
see you der at the corner of sierra and san moritz dr.
There is a clear shot of BobbyG on Versus TV right after Levi passed him by. KEWL
nice spoils of a well fought war jack (congrats to our local guy levi, the man in gold)..let's get that valuable autographed vestment over to the imaging folks in milpitas so i can also have their 'john henries' embeded on my siclista jersey as well..my old company used to call it "re-usability" (a notable attribute in software development mind you up until it got re-used overseas that is:)
there was a clear shot jack. We where there, but Bobby G got the clear shot and so was our blue shade.It only took few seconds of the glory.Anyway Bob, you deserve it.
The funny part was, there is this guy standing around in a nice suit having his picture taken and I said, he must be one of the old school racers so I go line up for his pic and 'graph. When I got home, I googled his name since it is clear from his graph. Guess what, he's the mayor of San Jose. muwahahahaha
another bizarre note jack- stage2 podium, another well-suited official quipped the stage winner on the secrets of a world class rider, to which big tom boonen responded, "the pro_roadie's biggest muscles are his legs followed by the arms, then the neck, but with all due respect, ahhhnold, with you it's all reversed: biggest muzl is in you neck, your arms, then your legs!" ..and yes, u guessed it - boonen got got his hands vise-gripped with an 'asta la vista baby':-)
Guys, I had fun up there! Glad you all could make it! Looks like next time, we need more BBQ and spirits!
Last year I saw Johnny on TV at the Sierra KOM. Now it me! :)
That is funny Manny :)
I got you covered on the spirits next time Bobby.
here 2 bobby (hope san miguel's ok w u guys!)
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