Monday, August 6, 2012

TDP 8-05-2012

Tour De Peninsula Ride Report. The first and second photo lineup against the beautiful Crystal Springs Reservoir. Third picture, was at Robert's. Weather turned out nice, sunny and cool. Total miles was about 60, with climbs up Crystal Springs Rd, Kings Mt, Polhemus Rd.  Riders included Siclista's, BAB., Barangay, &Nelson, new Siclista rider from SM. Lunch at Robert's on Woodside for pastrami sandwiches, under the able coordination of June, Mel, and Jack.  It was a fun and safe ride. There was a close call when we were headed back,  and there was a very steep downhill headed toward Millbrae Ave, that had a stop sign at the bottom- temptation was to whiz over the stop and make a left into Millbrae Ave. The guys were hawks and caught sight of a San Mateo police car parked across but not visible until you hit the stop sign. Everyone heard the best audible so far:  "Unclip, police!!"  That fair warning avoided huge, buco bucks contribution to the San Mateo county. Crystal Springs Road, and "Sawyer Camp Trail"were both worth the TdP ride, with its scenic view of the reservoir and the trail that was literally hugging the east side of the lake. Sunday car-free zone for Crystal Springs, so a nice venue for the family and kids after visiting Church. A nice day to all!

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